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Re: [DebianGIS] Re: gdal

I am summarizing a chain of emails to make sure I understand the issue. Currently there are two possible ways to deal with API changes in GDAL C++ library with new releases.
 We could either:
 1. Convince qgis to switch to the gdal C API.  This could take a while.... OR
 2. Break qgis with every gdal update and force a recompile of qgis with updated gdal library (which might or might not have a new name) to fix the problem.
 It sounds to me like we might not be able to aviod breaking qgis with gdal updates.  Am I missing an alternative solution?
----- Original Message ----
From: Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com>
To: Steve Halasz <debian@adkgis.org>
Cc: pkg-grass-general@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sent: Sat 17 Dec 2005 01:05:56 PM MST
Subject: Re: [DebianGIS] Re: gdal

On 12/16/05, Steve Halasz <debian@adkgis.org> wrote:
> Dropping the C++ library might not be too attractive. QGIS uses it
> heavily I think, but I'll have to check into that more.


It is not possible to drop the GDAL C++ library and still
have GDAL.  The C++ API is the "real" API.  The C API is
a set of cover functions.

If QGIS actually uses the C++ API, I think they should be
encouraged to "upgrade" to the C API to reduce fragility.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
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and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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