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[DebianGIS] pgis09 to pgis10

Forwarded from Lia 
Lia Venturato <venturato@faunalia.it>
(unsubscribed to debiangis)
Hi all.
We completed successfully our transition from pgis09+pg74 to pgis10+pg80, 
using a different approach from Floris.
Here our report, in the hope it can be useful to someone.
Caution: this method changes the owners of tables, schemas, etc.
All grants are kept, but ownership goes to the user (not admin) who restores 
the db. In addition, user-created functions may not be restored (if they need 
admin privileges).
Case 1: without schemas
- dump of: db (pg_dump -h [hostname] -U [username] -W -c -d -R -v [database]  
> database.sql) + geometry_columns data only (via phppgadmin)
- create new db in pg/postgis 8.0/1.0.4 (property of normal_user, with 
create database new_db owner normal_user template=template_gis;
- restore as normal_user:
psql -h [hostname] -U [normal_user] -W [new_db] -e < database.sql
you get some errors, because dumped functions (old pgis) cannot be restored, 
but that's ok: new_db will have new pgis10 functions+ old data.
Geometry_columns and spatyal_ref_sys are property of postgres 
(from template_gis), so restore gives an error. Spatial_ref_sys is to be kept 
like this, granting select privileges to the user of the db. Geometry_columns 
table must be restored from dump of data, so first change its privileges then 
grant select on spatial_ref_sys to normal_user;
grant all on geometry_columns to normal_user;
then, as normal_user:
\i /path/dump/data/geometry_columns.sql

Case 2: with schemas of different owners
In the dump you have the instructions to change owner and set search_path 
during restore (set 
authorization to nomeutente, set search_path to schemaname). Given that we 
have to restore as normal_user, 
this is not possible.
We solved the problem by:
- dumping one schema at a time
pg_dump -h [hostname] -U [username] -W -c -d -R -v [database] -n [schemaname]> 
clean up the dump, removing "set authorization to...., set 
search_path.... drop ....." (this helps cleaning up the errors, not to miss 
the important ones)
- dumping geometry_columns (only data, via phppgadmin).
The rest is as above, with the following cautions:
restore schema public as normal_user, not admin
log into the db as normal_user
create schemas
set search_path to nomeschema
and restore the dumps
\i /path/to/clean/dump/schema.sql
At the end, grant the right privileges to geographic tables (see above).

(Emi)Lia Venturato
venturato@faunalia.it    venturato@jabber.org    www.faunalia.it
Piazza Garibaldi 4 56025 Pontedera (PI)  Italy
Tel: (+39) 347-2770007 Fax (+39) 0587-213742
Linux User: 388585 http://counter.li.org

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