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[DebianGIS] Volunteer

I hope this is the Debian GIS list. That's what I'm looking for! :]
I'm a closet programmer that works with open source GIS software. I'm currently involved with the OpenJUMP project.
I'm in the process of learning C programming, Debian Linux, and GRASS. I am looking for an opportunity to get some practical experience with C/Linux Programming. Is there a part of the Debian GIS Project that I can assist with? I would be especially interested in some GUI work with GTK, or working with DXF/CAD data, since I do some work with AutoLISP. But I can help in another area if needed.
I only have an hour or two a week, but I'd really like to write some code for a real project, with some advice/oversight from a more experienced C programmer.
I'd also be interested in maintaining debs for OpenJUMP and JTS. If there is someone working on this already, I'd like to contribute. I'll have a good idea of when the OpenJUMP packages will be released.
I look forward to working with the Debian GIS team.
The Sunburned Surveyor

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