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[Pkg-grass-general] Re: GIS packages for Ubuntu

[Jon Saints]
> Just for your info, here are My problems so far:
> 1) mapserver package installs, but the mapscript package wont -
> Reason: Ubuntu uses python 2.4 not python 2.3 like debian

Right.  We could get around this by making several python mapscript
packages, one for python 2.3 and one for python 2.4.  Probably a good
idea anyway, as both are available in Debian.

Does the source package build without problems on ubuntu?

> 2) postgis wont install - Reason: ubuntu uses libgoes version 2.1.0
> (i think) and debian uses version 2.1.1

Ah, postgis.  It is as far as I understand dependent on the version of
postgresql as well.  It is a hard package to handle, but I hope it is
possible to get it in an upgradable state. :)

Why is ubuntu using an older version of libgoes?  I thought they tried
to stay ahead of Debian version-vise.

Does your report mean that all the other debian gis tools (thuban,
grass, qgis, gpx2shp, etc) work in ubuntu?

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