[Pkg-grass-general] Metadata server using custom drupal module
Hi all,
I still have been thinking on the best way to create a
web interface for searching and storing GIS data and
metadata. Much like ESRI's Metadata explorer.
I have been using Drupal (http://www.drupal.org) at
work for other websites for content management and
community workflow and colaboration. I am impressed
with flexibility and easy interface for creating
powerful additional modules.
It seems to me it would be possible to create a FGDC
complient drupal node for storing and retreiving GIS
data. Drupal uses postgresql so accessing postgis for
spatial queries would be no problem. Integrating
mapserver for spatial queries would also be possible.
Drupal would allow:
- Easy management and protection of file downloads of
GIS data
- RSS sydication of metadata for searching in other
- completely customizable metadata document content
- email notification of new content to users
- In addition... all the usual CMS features (user
managment, publishing and review of documents,
comments on documents, and admin approval process)
This module could be included in the DebianGIS
repository (drupal would be separte and is already in
Debian). For now, I am just thinking out loud. My time
to work on this is limited.
What are the lists' thoughts? Anyone else up to
something simillar?
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