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Re: [Pkg-grass-general] PostGIS and Java

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 08:41:57AM +0100, Wolfgang Baer wrote:
> Hi,
> this mail is related to the Java GIS Software mail.
> The Java GIS Software projects all provide access to Postgis databases.
> Therefore they need also the Postgis Java library beside the other
> dependecies.
> So there is the question how to package it. It depends on the libpgjava
> library which is in contrib. As I know a package build-dep on a contrib
> package has also to go into contrib.

What exactly is reason for libpgjava to be in contrib? I had a quick
look at it and couldn't found neither dependency nor
build-dependency to be in contrib or non-free and the licence of
libpgjava seems to be free licence as well. 


Intevation GmbH

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