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How should learning to program in c++ be approached, if learning objectives are sought to be customised?

My dear Illustrious List Maintainers, Programmers and Senior members,

I have been on and off my idea to self-learn c++ programming.

I found that debian has a dedicated python list. But I wasn't able to
find a list for discussing c or c++. Surely, I must not be searching
properly. I have tried a couple of times, but debian-gcc team didn't
respond to my earlier queries. c programming language is too difficult for
me to engage in, as I am not as gifted as a c programmer. Also, I
can't have the Object-Oriented programming toolkit and sample code
repository like Oracle Java repository.

It would have been great, had a programming language been developed
that could address both the lowest microprocessor(machine)-level to
the most advanced user level programming, reading, comprehension and
application. Perhaps, AI shall fulfil this need.

I learnt a tiny bit of Java programming, aided by the Eclipse IDE
and Oracle Java repository, which has exhaustive example codes and
object library resources, references, explanations, et al.

To me open-source c++ appeared to lack these resources. Surely, I am
not looking at the right direction.

Could I please be given a little more guidance on the following aspects please?:
(1)   exhaustive example codes
(2)   object library resources, references, explanations, et al
(3)   Whether Eclipse could be used for c++
(4)   Whether Device Drivers and other lower-level programs could be
designed with c++, like they are done in c or assembly level languages
(I am aware that KDE was written in c++, but ...).
(5)   Whether optimisation tools like valgrind and gdb are available
for c++ also

Please feel free to post any other general guidance and advice please,
considering that you are actually talking to a novice.

My regards and best wishes.
Rajib Bandopadhyay
An Open Source enthusiast

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