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Re: Arch qualification for buster: call for DSA, Security, toolchain concerns

Paul Gevers wrote:
> As part of the interim architecture qualification for bullseye, we
> request that DSA, the security team, Wanna build, and the toolchain
> maintainers review and update their list of known concerns for bullseye
> release architectures.

There's nothing really of concern from the security team PoV, we don't
withhold security updates due to missing archs, so the worst case is that
some archs are outdated (happens to openjdk from time to time).

> Whilst porters remain ultimately responsible for ensuring the
> architectures are ready for release, we do expect that you / your team
> are willing to assist with clarifications of the concerns and to apply
> patches/changes in a timely manner to resolve the concerns.

I think the porter requirement for i386 should no longer be waived (the
current wiki page still says so).

i386 is legacy hardware for a long time and increasingly starts to lose
upstream support (and most other distros ceased support a well). If there
people who care about i386 for whatever reason, they should form a
debian-i386@ porter list which offers to fix i386-specific issues.


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