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Re: Is there a way to make ld.gold the default?

Matthias Klose <doko@debian.org> writes:
>> Is there an official way to make ld.gold the default with the new
>> state of things, or is one expected to just manually change the
>> symlink in /usr/bin?
> yes, pass -fuse-ld=gold to the linker.

Right, I understand that method, I'm wondering how I can make it the
_default_ on my system, similar to the way the binutils-gold package

I can just change the symlink in /usr/bin manually, but I'm not sure
whether that will confuse the package system etc.

> how many packages will stop working? I didn't check that yet.  Also
> there seem to be issues when gold is used together with -flto.

Hmm, maybe there are issues in some cases, but I use gold with -flto
and it seems to work fine for me.



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