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Bug#699736: GNAT offers bug box on small Ada 2012 program

Package: gnat-4.6
Version: 4.6.3-8

When compiled with gnatmake -gnat12 algo_2sat.adb

package body Algo_2SAT is
   type Orientation is (Unused, Unnegated, Negated, Both);
   procedure Monodirectional (P: in out Problem_2SAT) is
      Count : array (1 .. Variable (100)) of Orientation := (others => Unused);
      C : Clause;
      P_New : Problem_2SAT;
      for I in P.First_Index .. P.Last_Index loop
         C := P.Element (I);
         if Count (C.A_Var) in (Unnegated, Negated) or else Count
(C.B_Var) in (Unnegated, Negated) then
            P_New.Append (C);
         end if;
      end loop;
      P := P_New;
   end Monodirectional;
end Algo_2Sat;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
package Algo_2SAT is
   type Variable is new Natural;
   type Clause is record
      A_Bool : Boolean;
      A_Var : Variable;
      B_Bool : Boolean;
      B_Var : Variable;
   end record;
   package Problem_Container is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Natural, Clause);
   subtype Problem_2Sat is Problem_Container.Vector;
   procedure Monodirectional (P : in out Problem_2SAT);
end Algo_2SAT;


gcc-4.6 -c -gnat12 algo_2sat.adb
+===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
| 4.6.3 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) GCC error:                                   |
| in gnat_to_gnu, at ada/gcc-interface/trans.c:4526                        |
| Error detected at algo_2sat.adb:10:32                                    |
| Please submit a bug report; see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html.            |
| Use a subject line meaningful to you and us to track the bug.            |
| Include the entire contents of this bug box in the report.               |
| Include the exact gcc-4.6 or gnatmake command that you entered.          |
| Also include sources listed below in gnatchop format                     |
| (concatenated together with no headers between files).                   |

Please include these source files with error report
Note that list may not be accurate in some cases,
so please double check that the problem can still
be reproduced with the set of files listed.
Consider also -gnatd.n switch (see debug.adb).


compilation abandoned
gnatmake: "algo_2sat.adb" compilation error

I would offer this upstream, but Debian's GNAT is a version behind.
Kie ekzistas vivo, ekzistas espero.

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