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Bug#512328: gnatlink wants to use libgnat-4.3.a and libgnarl-4.3.a which don't exist

Hello Ludovic,

You are absolutely right. 

Puting the "-static" only after "-largs" probably only affects the final 
command build by gnatlink, but not enough besides that. Puting it 
outside -largs fixed the issue. I can (now) see how of course passing -static 
to ld will not be enough.

So I guess that's a pure user error of mine and invite you to reject/close the 
bug report. 

Just as a small small side issue. The "-static" parameter is not part of what 
gnatmake outputs, nor could I google it. I am assuming it is undocumented on 
the gnatmake level. I did find it for gnatbind though.

Best regards,

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