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Re: debian crossgcc

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> For gcc-3.3.4-6sarge1 on 'sarge', I get patch errors when I run the
> 'debian/rules control' command.
> For gcc-3.4.1 on 'sarge', the patches apply, but the subsequent
> 'dpkg-buildpackage' appears to configure a native compiler (I didn't
> wait for it to finish building).

Thank you for your report.

Things used to work a few months ago, and then I was on a vacation and 
missed the moment when something became broken.

Unfortunately, currently cross-gcc building maintaining is happening in 
such way that I discover a problem in already-uploaded gcc source package 
and then send a patch. It would be much better if I'll have a chance to 
test before upload, to avoid such breakages. I'll try to find a way to do 

Anyway, 3.3.4-9 looks to build ok for me on x86 host, with all debian archs 
as targets. Debs are available for download from my repository at 
I have a minor patch that enables libgcc when building cross targets, and 
handles newer dpkg-cross method to strip non-native binaries, but (until 
dpkg-cross in debian archive is updated) it should work even without it.
If it does not work for you, please provide more information.

I'll look at sarge version and at 3.4 in the nearest future.

> I have tried i686->alpha and alpha->mips crosspackages.
> I have cross-binutils and relevant cross-libraries installed.
> The GCC_TARGET is set.

Is GCC_TARGET exported?

Building on non-x86 host is a very interesting test case; I've never tried 
it because I don't have access to hardware. If you may help on debbugging 
any issues there, it wold be really good.

> Oh, btw: dpkg-cross seems to conflict with debhelper, which is a
> build-requirement of gcc.

I know. It's bad because dpkg-cross actually needs debhelper to do debian 
package cross-compilation.
It is the result of debhelper maintained being impatient and not giving us 
enough time to fix dpkg-cross. In past, some miscommunication happened, 
resulting in dh_strip diversion by dpkg-cross that debhelper maintained 
doesn't like. Currently, another technical solution is implemented for 
cross-stripping in dpkg-cross, and the diversion in question is no longer 
needed. Code is already written and tested, just new version is not yet 
uploaded. After it will be in debian archive, we will ask debhelper 
maintainer to remove the conflict.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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