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gcc/mozilla bug.

this bug is relevant on Debian 3.0 stable on alpha. 
Mozilla (regular or firebird) has consistently failed
to be able to log into yahoo mail on alpha. I built my
own copy of Firebird, and found out it was as unable
to login as the version 1.0 Mozilla supplied on alpha.
 I went to the mozilla developer channel on irc, and
hung out there till someone agreed to help me figure
this out.
  We determined that yahoo was using som,e form of
md5hash, and that the alpha was generating wildly
different hashes from any other machine. A bug was
filed on mozilla, and can be found here:


 Please read this. It will explain the problem better
than I possibly can. It also links to a gcc bug, which
is the reason for  RedHat's switching to the
Compee/H-paq patched gcc 2.96.  There is a good
possibility that most of the random wierness with X,
Afterstep, and xine among other things are caused by
the gcc bug. 

make sure to read the contents of mozilla bug 121115
as well. 

  Please De-broketify. I'm sick of crashyness on
     Buck Re

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