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Bug#174906: gcc-3.2_1:3.2.2ds3-0pre3(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: source dir exists

Package: gcc-3.2
Version: 1:3.2.2ds3-0pre3
Severity: serious

This version fails to build on the ia64 autobuilder as shown below.


| Automatic build of gcc-3.2_1:3.2.2ds3-0pre3 on caballero by sbuild/ia64 1.169
| Build started at 20021231-1113


| mkdir stamps
| mkdir: cannot create directory `stamps': File exists
| make: [stamps/01-unpack-stamp-gcc-20021231.tar.bz2] Error 1 (ignored)
| if [ -d /build/buildd/gcc-3.2-3.2.2ds3/src ]; then \
|   echo >&2 "Source directory /build/buildd/gcc-3.2-3.2.2ds3/src exists. Delete by hand"; \
|   false; \
| fi
| Source directory /build/buildd/gcc-3.2-3.2.2ds3/src exists. Delete by hand
| make: *** [stamps/01-unpack-stamp-gcc-20021231.tar.bz2] Error 1
| testsuite still running ...
| Terminated
| Build killed with signal 15 after 300 minutes of inactivity
| Build killed with signal 9 after 5 minutes of inactivity


A complete build log can be found at

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