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Re: pb avec run-parts

Le 18.07.00, Sylvain Sauvage a tapoté :

| Thomas Nemeth wrote:
| > 
| > Subject: Cron <root@durham> run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly
| > run-parts: /etc/cron.weekly/man-db exited with return code 2
| Le problème vient de /etc/cron.weekly/man-db, il faut donc voir ce qui
| ne va pas. Comme il ne s'agit que d'un script qui lance mandb (dont la

	Effectivement il semble bien que ce soit mandb qui pose
	pb :

durham:~# /usr/bin/mandb -d --create
found mandatory man directory /usr/man
found mandatory man directory /usr/X11R6/man
found mandatory man directory /usr/local/man
found manpath map /bin --> /usr/man
found manpath map /usr/bin --> /usr/man
found manpath map /sbin --> /usr/man
found manpath map /usr/sbin --> /usr/man
found manpath map /usr/local/bin --> /usr/local/man
found manpath map /usr/local/sbin --> /usr/local/man
found manpath map /usr/X11R6/bin --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/bin/X11 --> /usr/X11R6/man
found manpath map /usr/games --> /usr/manfound manpath map /opt/bin -->
found manpath map /opt/sbin --> /opt/man
found global mandir /usr/man mapped to catdir /var/catman
creating catdir hierarchy /var/catman  found global mandir
/usr/local/man mapped to catdir /var/catman/local
creating catdir hierarchy /var/catman/local  
found global mandir /usr/X11R6/man mapped to catdir /var/catman/X11R6
creating catdir hierarchy /var/catman/X11R6  
adding /usr/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/local/man to manpathlist
adding /usr/X11R6/man to manpathlist
Processing manual pages under /usr/man...
create_db(/usr/man): /var/catman/3120
Testing /usr/man for new files
        subdirectory man8 has been 'modified'

ult_src: File /usr/man/man8/ld.so.8.gz
mandb: can't create a temporary filename: Permission non accordée.



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