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Géometrie d'un clavier 105 touches

Voilà, j'ai finalement réussi à mettre mon clavier en place en le greffant
sur French. Pour remercier tout le monde de m'avoir supporté, je propose
le bout suivant, qui vous permettra par la commande suivante d'afficher
votre clavier. De plus, j'ai réussi à réduire à 4 lignes la partie
Keyboard de mon XF86Config...

La commande magique est 
xkbcomp -xkm akasha:0 && xkbprint -lc fr_FR akasha-0.xkm && gv akasha-0.ps
-portrait &
 (en remplaçant Akasha par le nom du display qui a dans sa configuration :
Section "Keyboard"
   Protocol        "Standard"
   AutoRepeat      500 30
   XkbModel        "pc105"
   XkbLayout       "french"
et après avoir redémarré X)

Voici donc les lignes à rajouter dans /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86
(avec une ligne de contexte) :
   pc104         =       xfree86         pc(pc104)
+  pc105         =       xfree86         pc(pc105)
   jp106         =       xfree86(jp106)  pc(jp106)

   pc104         *       =       en_US(pc104)+%l%(v)
+  pc105         us      =       us(pc105)
+  pc105         en_US   =       en_US(pc105)
+  pc105         *       =       en_US(pc105)+%l%(v)
   pc98          nec/jp  =       nec/jp(pc98)
Et dans le fichier :/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/geometry/pc
(à la fin par exemple)

xkb_geometry "pc105" {

    description= "Generic 105";
    width= 470;
    height= 210;

    shape.cornerRadius= 1;
    shape "NORM" { { [ 18,18] }, { [2,1], [ 16,16] } };
    shape "BKSP" { { [ 37,18] }, { [2,1], [ 36,16] } };
    shape "TABK" { { [ 28,18] }, { [2,1], [ 26,16] } };
    shape "RTRN" {
        { [0,0],[ 27,0],[27,37],[5,37],[5,18],[0,18] } ,
        { [2,1],[ 26,1],[26,36],[6,36],[6,17],[2,17] } };
    shape "CAPS" { { [ 33,18] }, { [2,1], [ 19,16] } };
    shape "LFSH" { { [ 42,18] }, { [2,1], [ 40,16] } };
    shape "RTSH" { { [ 51,18] }, { [2,1], [ 50,16] } };
    shape "CTRL" { { [ 27,18] }, { [2,1], [ 25,16] } };
    shape "SMOD" { { [ 23,18] }, { [2,1], [ 21,16] } };
    shape "SPCE" { { [108,18] }, { [2,1], [106,16] } };
    shape "KP0"  { { [ 37,18] }, { [2,1], [ 35,16] } };
    shape "KPAD" { { [ 18,37] }, { [2,1], [ 16,35] } };

    shape "LEDS" { cornerRadius= 0, { [ 75 ,20 ] } };
    shape "LED"  { cornerRadius= 0, { [  5,  1 ] } };
    solid "LedPanel" {
	shape= "LEDS";
	top=  52;
	left= 377;
	color= "grey10";

    indicator.onColor= "green";
    indicator.offColor= "green30";
    indicator.top= 67;
    indicator.shape= "LED";
    indicator "NumLock"     { left= 382; };
    indicator "CapsLock"    { left= 407; };
    indicator "ScrollLock"  { left= 433; };
    text.top= 55;
    text.color= "black";
    text "NumLockLabel"		{ left= 378; text="Num\nLock"; };
    text "CapsLockLabel"	{ left= 403; text="Caps\nLock"; };
    text "ScrollLockLabel"	{ left= 428; text="Scroll\nLock"; };

    section.left= 19;
    row.left= 1;
    key.shape= "NORM";
    key.gap=  1;
    section "Function" {
	top= 52;
	row {
	    top= 1;
	    keys {  { <ESC>, color="grey20" },
		    { <FK01>, 20 }, <FK02>, <FK03>, <FK04>,
		    { <FK05>, 11 }, <FK06>, <FK07>, <FK08>,
		    { <FK09>, 11 }, <FK10>, <FK11>, <FK12>,
		    { <PRSC>, 8 }, <SCLK>, <PAUS> 
    }; // End of "Function" section

    section "Alpha" {
	top= 91;
	row {
	    top= 1;
	    keys { <TLDE>, <AE01>, <AE02>, <AE03>, <AE04>,
		   <AE05>, <AE06>, <AE07>, <AE08>, <AE09>,
		   <AE10>, <AE11>, <AE12>,
		   { <BKSP>, "BKSP", color="grey20" }
	row {
	    top= 20;
	    keys { { <TAB>, "TABK", color="grey20" },
		   <AD01>, <AD02>, <AD03>, <AD04>, <AD05>, 
		   <AD06>, <AD07>, <AD08>, <AD09>, <AD10>, 
		   <AD11>, <AD12>, {<RTRN>, "RTRN", color="grey20"}
	row {
	    top= 39;
	    keys { { <CAPS>, "CAPS", color="grey20" },
		   <AC01>, <AC02>, <AC03>, <AC04>, <AC05>, 
		   <AC06>, <AC07>, <AC08>, <AC09>, <AC10>, 
		   <AC11>, <BKSL>
	row {
	    top= 58;
	    keys { { <LFSH>, "SMOD", color="grey20" },
		    <LSGT>, <AB01>, <AB02>, <AB03>, <AB04>, <AB05>, 
		    <AB06>, <AB07>, <AB08>, <AB09>, <AB10>, 
		    { <RTSH>, "RTSH", color="grey20" }
	row {
	    top= 77;
	    key.shape= "SMOD";
	    key.color= "grey20";
	    keys { { <LCTL>, "CTRL" }, <LWIN>, <LALT>,
		   { <SPCE>, "SPCE", color="white" },
		   <RALT>, <RWIN>, <MENU>, { <RCTL>, "CTRL" }
    }; // End of "Alpha" section

    section "Editing" {
	top= 91;
	left= 312;
	key.color= "grey20";
	row {
	    top= 1;
	    keys { <INS>, <HOME>, <PGUP> };
        row {
	    top= 20;
	    keys { <DELE>, <END>, <PGDN> };
	row {
	    top= 58;
	    left= 20;
	    keys { <UP> };
	row {
	    top= 77;
	    keys { <LEFT>, <DOWN>, <RGHT> };
    }; // End of "Editing" section

    section "Keypad" {
	top= 91;
	left= 376;
	row {
	    top= 1;
	    key.color= "grey20";
	    keys { <NMLK>, <KPDV>, <KPMU>, <KPSU> };
	row {
	    top= 20;
	    keys { <KP7>, <KP8>, <KP9>, { <KPAD>, "KPAD", color="grey20" }
	row {
	    top= 39;
	    keys { <KP4>, <KP5>, <KP6> };
	row {
	    top= 58;
	    keys { <KP1>, <KP2>, <KP3>, { <KPEN>, "KPAD", color="grey20" }
	row {
	    top= 77;
	    keys { { <KP0>, "KP0" }, <KPDL> };
    }; // End of "Keypad" section

    alias <AC00> = <CAPS>;
    alias <AA00> = <LCTL>;

}; // End of "pc105" geometry


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