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[Freedombox-discuss] Interest on Contributing

Hi Katerina, thanks for contacting us!

There is a lot of new development going on, and a team in India is
improving a lot of parts of the system.

At the moment some people are looking into a new card based interface
design, see https://github.com/freedombox/Plinth/issues/749

There are some other parts that are worked on, for instance the
inclusion of fail2ban, that then also needs inclusion into plinth. See

I personally heard a number of people asking me if there is a way to
implement ways to personalize the UI by users, even having the option to
use a different colour scheme would make a difference to these users.

Also there are a lot of translations, but no Greek translation yet. If
you would like to work on that or would like to find someone to help out
with that, that would be very appreciated. We translate Plinth on
Weblate, https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/freedombox/plinth/
If there is any information or guidance you need on that, I am very
willing to help you out.

I am not a programmer, but would like to support you in any way I can,
and I am sure there will be more responses from other community members
willing to get you started. I cannot answer deep infrastructural or
Django implementation questions, but am willing to help you get answers
or ideas :)

As it is always good to scratch your own itch, I would encourage you to
run your own freedombox, so you could get a feel for what is needed to
improve the user experience, or what software would need to be added.

If you have any issues with getting the box running, I am willing to
answer your questions on that, and even provide you with some stickers
to get your hardware in style :P

Maybe you could even provide us with information on what it would take
to get your community to adopt Freedombox, and how we could help make
that happen.

I hope this answers your initial questions, and hope you will feel
welcome in our small but growing community.

We also communicate on IRC, and would like to invite you to join us
there for more direct contact, it is the #freedombox channel on
Freenode. If you need help getting there just mail, if not you can find
me there with the nick "ikmaak".

Thanks for your interest in Freedombox, we appreciate it, and hope we
can work together!



???????? ???????? schreef op 10-04-17 om 09:16:
> Hi,
> I am a full-stack developer working with Python and Django for the
> backend. I also have Front End experience using HTML/CSS/JS and
> Bootstrap framework.
> Last week I found out about Freedom box while I was seeking for open
> source projects to get involved. Plinth project seems very interesting
> to me as I am Django enthusiast!
> I have setup the development environment using Vagrant and seeking for
> an easy picking for my first contribution. Any mentoring would be more
> than welcome !!
> Cheers,
> Katerina
> _______________________________________________
> Freedombox-discuss mailing list
> Freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/freedombox-discuss

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