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[Freedombox-discuss] Unusual Hardware (Raspi Touch Display) for Freedombox - Policy for Development ?

Hallo from Regensburg, germany.

I am quite new to Freedombox, and I reactivated my "Linux-Skills" I
gained in High school on my 386.
I am running Freedombox on a Raspberry Pi 3, goal is to have it as
gateway to my local network and
to get it as personal data storage cloud (1 TB Usb harddisk is ready).
Box is running quite fine, I also ssh'd to it, installed an editor, and
made some OpenVPN Keys.

Today I bought a lcd display with touch for my RasPi.

To get the most out of my LCD, I would like it to show some status,
already when booting up, and then when the freedombox is running.
Like showing the actual IP adress, CPU Load, perhaps even Power.
I would also like to be able to do so some commands. For Example
"Reboot" or "shutdown".
And to save power (and light) the box shall react to one of the buttons
for the backlight of the lcd.

There are currently some beginner sets for Raspberry Pi, which also
include a display,
so it could be that some of them finally become a freedombox for other
folks than me.

Ok, enough Context, now my question:

As far as I understand, the freedombox Project is quite broad when it
comes to supporting hardware.

If I manage to get my display showing some information, this would apply
to me and to my raspberry pi and to my lcd.
If I take a decent library, then it perhaps applys to all Raspberry PIs
and all LCDs.

To emphasise this: even if my work is the best I can do,
I "exclude" all people with freedomboxes, who don't have a display. (and
some with the the "wrong" display perhaps too)

Is there any policy on how to deal with this ?
I mean: How to deal with contributions which only affect a certain
hardware ?
Or which require a certain hardware ?

Would my contributions of code still be useful, even if 90 % of all
freedomboxes won't support it,
as they either have a wrong hardware base (no raspi/ other display) or
no display at all ?

If there is any Wiki page which deals with this,
please tell me, where.

Kind Regards from Germany,
Karlheinz Meier

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