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[Freedombox-discuss] Freedombox docker image?

Hello again.

does anybody know if there is a docker image that hosts the Freedombox?

I think this would be a neat feature for anyone who wants to help
develop Freedombox but doesn't run Debian as their home system (nor
wants to use anything heavy like virtualbox or the like).

As this is actually the case for me and as I'm intending to learn more
about the Freedombox internals (how the Debian package and the
Freedombox setup works) I actually tried to set one up myself:

I bashed into a docker container based on a debian:stretch image and
followed the debian installation instructions [1].

At some point the installation came to a halt as it tried to alter
/etc/resolv.conf which as I understand is "locked" by the docker virtual
machine [2].

The next problematic issue that I would encounter is the required reboot
to get the services up and going. How to do that with docker?

So unless there is already a Freedombox docker image, is there maybe
anyone on this list who would like to help me?

Thank you very much.


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Hardware/Debian
[2] https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/2267

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