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[Freedombox-discuss] change own cloud data folder in freedom box

I have done a fresh install of freedom box and own cloud through the web
interface.  I have a drive with data from a previous server.  Can I mount
that drive to the data folder that own cloud points to so I do not have to
change anything in own cloud configuration?

I have read about the bug in freedom box/own cloud install that does not
let you configure the data folder at install were you having to delete the
config.php file,  Then disabling own cloud, applying the change, then
reenable to change configure the datafolder and the database login but I do
not know where to find the database login details.

The external partition is mounted at /var/lib/owncloud/data.  I had to
make sure
www-data was the owner and group for all the directories and files.  I also
copied hidden files (.htaccess and .ocdata) to the root level of the
external partition.  Lastly, the partition was added to /etc/fstab, as

UUID=####       /var/lib/owncloud/data       ext4
auto,rw,suid,dev,exec,nouser,async      0       0

I have also installed these two packages

 sudo apt-get install php-dropbox php-google-api-php-client

Tried a rescan and the files that are on the partition do not show up in
owncloud web.

I rescanned using the following commands

sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all -vv

After doing all this I still cannot see all the files I have on the
partition through the web interface or the webdav.  How can I see the files
in the webdav and web interface?


Any question or comments you can email or call me at any time.
I will get back to you as fast as I can.

Thank you and have a nice day!!

Ken DeWitt
Your Fellow Tech. Guy

Phone # : 204-998-3218
Email: kendewitt at y <kendewitt at yourfellowtechguy.com>ftg.ca
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