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[Freedombox-discuss] Nighlies for Raspberry old ?


I wanted to get some Features which are already committed to the codebase.
As far as I understadn the concept of nightlies, they are built every night
with the latest code which does compile.

As there are some features on post-0.9 like Batman Meshing and some kind
of integration of external storage space, I would like to install them.

Unfortunaltely, the latest Raspberry Pi Nightly  at
is of 27th May 2015.
The "Latest" dates to 3rd July 2016.

I would like some 1st August Nightly for private testing.

Can I build a Raspberry Pi Image myself ?
How do I do that ?
Or is the current nightly at another location ?

Kind Regards,
Karlheinz Meier

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