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[Freedombox-discuss] How can I get plinth listening on a public address?

[Nick Daly]
> I'm looking to merge a patch this weekend (Saturday morning or Sunday
> morning?) that should allow Plinth to be generally accessible.

Ah, good to know that when I am trying to do is currently not
possible.  I'll try again after the  weekend.

> HOWEVER: that patch creates its own set of problems: now Plinth (and
> thus, your FBX's administrative tools) are now globally accessible
> and must be actively defended (usually by passwords).  Until dkg's
> Firefox/Apache/PGP patches land somewhere, FreedomBoxes are stuck
> with self-signed SSL certs, which is probably insufficient for most
> cases (good in small or test deployments, but not at scale).


PS: I hope you have time to reply to my pull requests and suggested
redesign of the freedom-maker build structure (ie use a setup deb
instead of copying files into a chroot), as it is hard to know if it
is useful to continue in this direction or not.

PS2: I just provide build rules to create a .deb of the withsqlite
module, available from
<URL: https://github.com/jvasile/withsqlite/pull/1 >.  I hope it is
the correct place to push patches to.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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