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[Freedombox-discuss] Raspberry PI performance measurements

On Sun, 2013-02-10 at 17:22 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Would be nice if you could avoid promoting the misconception of Raspbian 
> being a version of Debian - it is no more so than Ubuntu is.  Better to 
> instead say "This is a Debian derivative that has been optimized...".


> Would be quite interesting if your test could be codified as two 
> scripts: one script to install and configure the Debian (or Raspbian) 
> packages you are testing against, and one script to run at an external 
> host to do the actual measurements.
> That way others could repeat identical tests for other hardware, e.g...
>  * Bdale could test that cool-but-not-generally-available-yet board he 
>    showed at FOSDEM.
>  * H?ctor could test Olimex iMX233 board available for some time.
>  * I could test Olicom A13 boards available at similar price as RPi.

The experimental version of my blog that I'm using in the tests is the
result of a hacking session and will never make it into a package. I use
it because it is very easy to setup, and because it does some "real
work" (many performance tests just send "Hello world" to the client
which makes the test results useless). The test setup involves
installing python-flask, gunicorn and a copy-paste of the project
directory. If anyone with a FreedomBox wants to perform the same tests I
am willing to gzip the project directory and provide instructions.


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