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[Freedombox-discuss] Happy Creepy February!

Thanks to investigative work by the Guardian, we can tell just how many
steps back online privacy's taken this year.  It's unfortunate:


    A multinational security firm has secretly developed software
    capable of tracking people's movements and predicting future
    behaviour by mining data from social networking websites...  [T]he
    Massachusetts-based company has acknowledged the technology was
    shared with US government and industry as part of a joint research
    and development effort, in 2010, to help build a national security
    system capable of analysing "trillions of entities" from cyberspace.

In developing this product, Raytheon seems to make two fundamentally
flawed assumptions:

1. That people never make invalid interpretations of the data.  Read up
   on Type I errors for the details:


2. That collecting and sharing this data (and those invalid assumptions)
   is ever desirable.  This is what Daniel Solove was warning about in
   his "I've Got Nothing to Hide..." article.


I wish I knew more about how Raytheon was accessing the data and what
the lag times were (between tweeting and when the tweet is searchable,
for example).

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