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[Freedombox-discuss] jails in Debian?

+++ Johan Henselmans [2013-02-04 11:32 +0100]:
> i had a short discussion the Bdale about jails in Debian, like there exist in FreeBSD: lightweight jails, having their own TCP/IP stack, which could compartimentalize a server. 
> He mentioned that there are similar solutions in Debian, but did not mention any kind of software. I don't think he meant chroot environments, but I might be mistaken. 
> Can anyone point me to that type of software in Debian?

schroot is the standard chroot tool, which has a lot of useful
scriptability and standard configs to set up all the 'extra' bits you
need these days beyond a plain chroot to do uesufl work (copying
network and nss config in, bind-mounting /sys /proc /dev etc.) It also
has session management so you stop and re-start a chrooted environment.

There are also linux containers, I understand, but I know nothing about that. 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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