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[Freedombox-discuss] WebID, was: chat over websockets

The whole point of WebID is to use the data at the WebID Profile to 
improve the UI and not to stick to the plain URI
(  see http://webid.info/spec for the meaning of those terms. )

For a  good example is to be found at http://my-profile.eu/

It's been about 3 years that I tell Melvin that the minimum is to not show the WebID 
but to use the foaf file to find the users name and picture and use that information.
Showing people a URI just makes WebID look stupid as a UI.

Melvin can't code that apparently in three years, so perhaps someone can 
help him, even though he's hanging around on all the channels and knows exactly 
where the code is ( e.g.: https://github.com/linkeddata/rdflib.js )

I have had undergraduate javascript starters do whole apps in js in a couple of months
work. You may want to look at the slideshow of this Social Web app for example.


On 4 Jan 2013, at 16:32, Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho at gmail.com> wrote:

> I came across this nice tutorial that shows you how to run chat over websockets
> http://martinsikora.com/nodejs-and-websocket-simple-chat-tutorial
> I added this to my freedombox in about 30 minutes including installing nodejs, opening ports, adding WebID integration
> Presently, it's one big chat room, but I may add multiple channels, encryption, an nicer UI and other good stuff

A short message from my sponsors: Vive la France!
Social Web Architect

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