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[Freedombox-discuss] FBX Setup with Debconf Web-Frontend: Difficult


I'm none technical person nor developer (just end user)

Will it be possible not to use 443 for https, since

if I have FBX, I'd like to use it also for Web browsing via a secure shell
(ssh) tunnel.(from internet caffe, work etc...)

This way we already have ssh connection, all communication is already
encrypted, so there is no need to re-encrypt it again.

And if for example one FB wants to post mail to another FB, all it has to
do is,

Open ssh tunnel to that box, using spharemonkey,and smtp to the postfix on
the other box using ssh tunnel.

Same with browsing, web page on remote FBX, it is just a matter of ssh to
the remote machine using ssh and route using Squid.

This way, there is no need to re-encrypt the communication.

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