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[Freedombox-discuss] Cory Doctorow's fictional FreedomBox helps us visualize it

El 13/04/11 04:17, John Gilmore dijo:
> It seems that once you follow a genius, you often find that other
> geniuses had already thought about that topic.
> Science fiction writer Cory Doctorow wrote a kids' book called Little
> Brother, whose plot revolves around high-school kids successfully
> culture-jamming against the Department of Homeland Security after it
> runs amok and starts kidnapping San Francisco residents into secret
> prisons.  Lots of cool tech tricks are described, which frequently
> really work in the real world.  One of them is a software distro
> called ParanoidLinux that runs on discarded zero-cost Microsoft XBox
> gaming hardware, creating an encrypted overlay network called Xnet.
> I'll let you read the story without saying more.  ParanoidLinux is
> definitely one man's vision of solid Freedom Box software, useful
> when your government is trying to spy out and suppress anybody who
> disagrees with what it's doing.  It's well worth reading that section.
> Cory offers all his books for free public downloads under a CC
> license.  He makes money when people buy his books; but he gets more
> readers when people download and share them, and he wants both money
> and readers, so he does both.  Get Little Brother in dozens of online
> formats (or printed copies) here:
>   http://craphound.com/littlebrother/
>   http://craphound.com/littlebrother/download/
> Search the online format for ParanoidLinux, then start reading...
> and if and when you get hooked, go back and start from the beginning.
> When you're done, give the book or file to a kid you know.

there was a paranoidlinux.org project and they even got to create a live
cd ubuntu based, but then it slowly died... last time i checked the site
wasn't up at all.

also, iirc the focus of the actual distro was put on individual anonymous
activities, like using the Net without being traced. (the good) FB has
superior goals, right?

in the book they were hacked gamecubes or whatever are those things called
that could use open hotspots to connect to darknet :)

Nicol?s Reynolds,
xmpp:fauno at kiwwwi.com.ar
gnu/linux user #455044

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