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[Freedombox-discuss] blogging in the FB (was Re: Roadmap Brainstorming)

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 01:00:12PM -0400, Les Orchard wrote:
>On 3/18/11 12:31 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>Cloud computing is a buzzword that can mean anything and nothing.  It 
>>can mean "computing centralized and virtualized" but I prefer to use 
>>it for "web of computers", i.e. the internet as intended: woven 
>>together complex enough to be resilient to interruptions.
>>A pencil can be a tool dangerous to human beings if used cleverly.  
>>Similarly with cloud computing.  All things can be used or abused.
>>FreedomBox is not about avoiding cloud computing, or about tolerating 
>>it in public sphere(s).  FreedomBox is about _using_ cloud computing.
>This may or may not entirely agree with what you mean, but: I'd like my 
>FreedomBox to be my command center for the cloud.
>It may itself be a service provider in a web of computers (eg. I run 
>Wordpress in my house on port 80). But, I'd also like mine to be a 
>private node that orchestrates the use of things like Amazon S3, 
>Rackspace, Nearly Free Speech, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Correct: That absolutely does not at all agree with what I mean.

Orchestrating centralized services from home may be cloud computing, but 
not a silverlining of it and thus unrelated to FreedomBox!

(hint: try read again the part you skipped from above quote)

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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