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[Freedombox-discuss] Email on the FreedomBox Discussion

Hi Everybody,
<bdale> dogstar: to me, 'email' means smtp, et al .. however, vasile will
attest that I've mentioned several times that to do something truly
distributed and secure, we need to think more in terms of messaging other
than smtp
<bdale> fiftyfour: configuring an smtp+imap email service could be done in
lots of ways, none of which directly align with or promote many of the
desired attributes of a freedombox. so, exactly what additional value we can
or should add to the email experience of a given user is a topic where I
think some research and discussion would be good
The FreedomBox (FBX) IRC Chat on the 2011-08-15 15:00UTC raised the
possibility that the FBX will not have email. This is the discussion that
bdale requested.
I am a user who wants my email on my FBX rather than my ISP's server  - my
data on my FBX. I primarily receive email for quotes, purchases, delivery
notices, bill notices, school-related activities (my children), party
invites and registering at websites (identity management). I also use email
to write to my family or who live in a different country and lately I have
been using email to write to the the FreedomBox mailing list ;) I don't see
businesses or primary schools (the school bans the use of Facebook) giving
up the use of email or websites requesting email addresses any time soon.
These are the reasons I would like to see email on the FBX reference
implementation and besides the Foundation states a FBX will have "Email and
telecommunications that protects privacy and resists eavesdropping". My
primary applications are browser, email and a word-processor. Every PC comes
with these applications pre-installed, but they do not come with an XMPP or
SIP clients.
First of all, I would be gratefully if somebody could explain how an
smtp+imap email service does not align or promote many of the desired
attributes of a FBX?
Secondly, for me webmail/email is a mature application so I don't understand
why the FBX has to add additional value to the email experience?
Facebook's messaging application is basically email by another name. AFAICT,
Friendika (distributed social networking software) requires an IMAP server
(Friendika settings) for their messaging application.
Let the discussion begin...
-- fiftyfour
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