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[Freedombox-discuss] Building things

In response to Ted Smith's recent points about low hanging fruit I would
like to propose a simple work flow for anyone interested in building
things right now.

Step 1) configure software to address a privacy threatening scenario

Step 2) Document that configuration on a wiki page or a blog post, as
robvanderhoven has been doing (see
and as I've started trying to do in terms of building basic router
configs for the DreamPlug (http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/router)

Step 3) Turn those configs into deploy-able recipes using  Puppet, Chef,
or whatever other config management tool you like.

>From there, we'll have a bunch of specifically tailored configurations
that address one or more of the FreedomBox goals and we can start to
actually worry about how to integrate, evaluate, and select larger
configurations. In the meantime, the wiki seems like enough
infrastructure for collecting and maintaining such recipes.


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