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[Freedombox-discuss] Sunday HackFest


In about 3 or 4 hours from now, i will be in #freedombox on irc.oftc.net,
trying to hack together an experimental version of the freedombox in a
virtual server image, with whoever wants to join in.

The starting point will be this:  http://pagekite.net/community/DebianFB/ (open
freedombox.20101010.tar, inside there is an image that you can open with
Oracle VM VirtualBox)

and the goals will be this: http://www.freedomboxfoundation.org/goals/

step 1: hack
once we'll have those seven things working (this will take N Sundays, we
just go step-by-step), we'll save the snapshot.

step 2: script
Then we'll look back at everything we did, and convert that history into a
bash script

step 3: live-build

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