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[Freedombox-discuss] UX


I've threw together some cherrypy code that implements infrastructure
for UI stuff.  The Freedom Plug will be headless, so the obvious place
to do user interaction is port 80.  We'll need to display menus and
forms there.

My infrastructure is just some code that integrates html/css/js modules
that can be dropped into place via package managers like apt.  It's a
plugin system that knows about where to put menus and how to handle
permissions.  The idea is that anybody can add optional UI features to
the system by adding fairly simple modules.

My current notion is that the UI shouldn't do any of the config itself.
It should run scripts (like Pagekite's) or load other bits of python to
do the config twiddling.  I'm hoping that keeping things modular will
make it easier to upgrade to better parts as they come along.

At any rate, it's just a rough demonstration of one way this problem
might be approached.  I'll get it up on git hub in a few days.  It has
some rudimentary menus and forms already there just to show how it might
be done.


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