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[Freedombox-discuss] Why is this list so quiet?

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 03:39:09PM -0800, Matt Joyce wrote:
>As I am new, and curious...
>   I checked the website, wiki, irc channel, and mailing list archives...
>What seems to be missing that seems like it might exist is some time / place
>that team members meet to discuss the project.
>When is that?  Where is that?  How do I get an invitation to sit in?

Try check the achive again - perhaps you missed relevant parts of this 
very thread :-)

In essense:

* Some (including me) feel that this list _is_ the meeting place - there 
has just not been quite a "pause" in the "conversation" here :-)

* Others feel that regular IRC meetings and other more formal structures 
are beneficial.  There was a concrete proposal earlier tonight about 
exactly that - so since you seem to want that too, go join them!

Regards, and welcome aboard!

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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