debian-freedombox Nov 2010 by thread
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[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3
Christian Brædstrup
[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3
Francesco Poli
<Possible follow-ups>
[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3
[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3
Francesco Poli
[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3
Philip Hands
[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3
Jonas Smedegaard
[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3
Francesco Poli
[Freedombox-discuss] Ubuntu and Freedom Box?
Matt Zimmerman
<Possible follow-ups>
[Freedombox-discuss] Ubuntu and Freedom Box?
Matt Zimmerman
[Freedombox-discuss] Ubuntu and Freedom Box?
Melvin Carvalho
[Freedombox-discuss] Ubuntu and Freedom Box?
Jonas Smedegaard
[Freedombox-discuss] Ubuntu and Freedom Box?
Jonas Smedegaard
[Freedombox-discuss] NAS or little-space-sheevaplug, the HD question
Matt Zimmerman
[Freedombox-discuss] NAS or little-space-sheevaplug, the HD question
Gianluca Moro
[Freedombox-discuss] NAS or little-space-sheevaplug, the HD question
Jonas Smedegaard
[Freedombox-discuss] NAS or little-space-sheevaplug, the HD question
Gianluca Moro
[Freedombox-discuss] NAS or little-space-sheevaplug, the HD question
Jonas Smedegaard
[Freedombox-discuss] autonomous web services
Arthur Lutz
[Freedombox-discuss] autonomous web services
Jonas Smedegaard
[Freedombox-discuss] autonomous web services
Arthur Lutz
[Freedombox-discuss] RFC: Pontarius 0.1 Features Draft
Jon Kristensen
[Freedombox-discuss] RFC: Pontarius 0.1 Features Draft
Jon Kristensen
[Freedombox-discuss] RFC: Draft of Pontarius 0.1 Features
Jon Kristensen
[Freedombox-discuss] Stripped down debian : emdebian
Arthur Lutz
[Freedombox-discuss] Stripped down debian : emdebian
Jonas Smedegaard
[Freedombox-discuss] Decentralized naming (was: Introductions)
Clint Adams
The last update was on 11:48 GMT Mon Jun 10. There are 26 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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