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Re: Request for input before submitting Adobe’s Source Sans.

Hi Soren,

Am Montag, dem 26.02.2024 um 13:42 -0700 schrieb Soren Stoutner:
> I have prepared Adobe’s Source Sans font.  As I have never packaged a
> font before, I would appreciate any feedback before submitting it.

thanks for taking the time to help out the Debian fonts team!

> 1.  By default, Source Sans builds OpenType fonts, which is what I

If upstream builds OpenType fonts by default, I'd go with them. There
is no reason to provide TrueType fonts if OpenType fonts are available
and I consider it a mistake that both variants have been packaged for
e.g. fonts-freefont.

> 2.  Upstream defaults to building standard OpenType fonts, but it has

I'm not sure how far VF support has come upstream, e.g. in LibreOffice.
For now, I'd play safe and package the separate font files instead of
the bundle.

> After doing some research I decided to name the source package fonts-
> adobe-source-sans and the binary package fonts-adobe-source-sans-3.  

I'd call both the source and the binary package fonts-adobe-source-
sans, i.e. without the trailing '-3'. Chances are very low that we will
have different versions of the same font packaged in Debian at the same
time and I can't imagine a situation which would require two different
versions of the same font installed at the same time.


 - Fabian

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