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fonts-font-awesome 5 (and 6)

Dear maintainers of fonts-font-awesome,

Thanks for all your work on this package. I am working with the Debian
R package maintainers and we need to package an R package,
r-cran-fontawesome which is a dependency of some critical R packages.

Upstream of r-cran-fontawesome embds Font Awesome v5. I noticed that
the fonts-font-awesome is tracking version 4, and that a previous
update to v5 was reverted as the major version numbers are not
compatible, and many Debian packages rely on v4 [1]. Upstream Font
Awesome treats the major versions as separate LTS releases and
probably the most useful thing would be for each of v4, v5, and v6 to
be available in Debian as separate packages, e.g.
fonts-font-awesome-5. Each major version is a branch of the upstream
repo [2]. Would you be able to package v5 (as updating is less
desirable)? We would then be able to to use this Debian version of
Font Awesome rather than bundling, and others would benefit as well.

Thanks again and thank you for considering,

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-fonts/2018/05/msg00042.html
[2] https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome

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