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Team status: fonts-team (Fall 2019)

Hi list,

 Maybe it's better to provide some information to team members what
 we should do (in short term), so I'd try to summarize it. Hope it
 helps you a bit...

 How about the current status of font related packages?

* package numbers in "fonts" sections
  (by "aptitude search '?section(fonts)' | wc -l")

  - Debian8 : 426
  - Debian9 : 513 (+87)
  - Debian10: 571 (+58)
  - current : 589 (+18)

  Yeah, growing up :-)

 * bugs: 261

 * current status
  # note:
    "NOT" all the packages in fonts section are under fonts-team umbrella,
    so bugs and status don't cover at all. We should try to move it.

 What is/was the major blocker for us?

 We are in "python2 removal" movement, it affects to many font packages that
 requires to be built. But I've recently uploaded new fontforge source package
 it contains "python3-fontforge" package and it resolves most of issues with it.
 And "python3-fonttools"/"python3-fontmake" can deal with it, too.

 Please try to fix it, hope smoooth migration near future.

 Other tasks now?

 * Move "fonts" packages to fonts-team umbrella

   Easy task: try to check "fonts" section package and ask maintainers to
   move it to fonts-team.

 * Digging bugs - can we reproduce it?

   Sadly, we still have many open bugs in BTS, more than 200! :-(
   So, please check it still occurs with newest versions or not, and if not,
   please find which version fixed the issue. https://snapshot.debian.org/ is
   very useful to get older versions.

 * Send patches to upstream - make upstream better :)

   Pick files from debian/patches and send it to upstream (maybe by making PR
   on github) is help for us and them.

 * Squashing "todo" items


   Check above items list first, and try to fix them.  

 * Polish package

   Many packages still contains
    - old "Vcs-*" field
    - non-"machine-readable debian/copyright" file
    - older debhelper
   and not enable
    - use CI with debian/salsa-ci.yml (most of fonts packages don't need blhc and )
    - Rules-Requires-Root: no

 So "clean it, polish it" is our current task. Let's make it better
 - as possible as we can, and check it on "winter" report later.


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.org/iijmio-mail.jp

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