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Bug#929128: fonts-noto-cjk: not recognized by lualatex until mktexlsr

Hi Hilmar,
thanks for your interest and comment.
It is (in my opinion) a well-known issue among
Japanese LuaLaTeX users, and I can show a even worse
example (for your fun), which needs 6 GB of real RAM
and 10 minutes to compile three lines, in the first time
you process a CJK tex source as below :-)
Please process it by "lualatex" after "rm -rf ~/.texlive201?"
and installing texlive-full and fonts-noto-cjk
and fonts-noto-cjk-extra.
It should produce a PDF document with 7 CJK typefaces.

Once lualatex complies it, the same file is compiled
in much shorter time and much smaller memory.
(So one needs "rm -rf ~/.texlive201?" to see long compilation time.)

I was told that luajitlatex (on Windows) needed even longer
time to compile it :-)


{\mcfamily \ltseries 細明朝体\\ \mdseries 明朝体\\ \bfseries 太明朝体}\\
{\gtfamily ゴシック体\\ \bfseries 太ゴシック体\\ \ebseries 極太ゴシック体}\\
{\mgfamily 丸ゴシック体}\\

I am a bit reluctant to file the above issue to
texlive-lang-japanese (or texlive-luatex??) because
it does not seem a packaging problem by the Debian TeX team and
they tell us in "reportbug" that

> -- Package-specific info:
> IMPORTANT INFORMATION: We will only consider bug reports concerning
> the packaging of TeX Live as relevant. If you have problems with
> combination of packages in a LaTeX document, please consult your
> local TeX User Group, the comp.text.tex user group, the author of
> the original .sty file, or any other help resource. 
> In particular, bugs that are related to up-upstream, i.e., neither
> Debian nor TeX Live (upstream), but the original package authors,
> will be closed immediately.
>    *** The Debian TeX Team is *not* a LaTeX Help Desk ***

Best regards,

From: Hilmar Preuße <hille42@web.de>
Subject: Re: Bug#929128: fonts-noto-cjk: not recognized by lualatex until mktexlsr
Date: Sun, 26 May 2019 17:45:14 +0200

> Am 26.05.2019 um 03:52 teilte Ryutaroh Matsumoto mit:
> Matsumoto-san,
> I followed your instructions and tried to reproduce some kind of
> issue.
> I compiled your document using TL from experimental; it triggered some
> kind of memory leak in luatex. At least I would not expect that luatex
> needs 1,5 GB of RAM to compile your document:
> %Cpu(s):  1.3 us, 47.8 sy,  0.3 ni,  0.0 id, 50.5 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,
> 0.0 st
> MiB Mem : 938.3 total, 59.5 free, 860.5 used, 18.3 buff/cache
> MiB Swap: 1376.6 total, 295.4 free, 1081.2 used.  21.0 avail Mem
>   PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+
>   137 root       0 -20       0      0      0 I  32.2   0.0   0:11.56
> kworker/0+
>  5014 root      20   0 1533540 669688    168 D   8.3  69.7   1:13.58
> lualatex
> Please file a bug against our package texlive-binaries, version
> 2019.20190507.51032-1 .
> Many thanks!
> Hilmar
>>> Matsumoto-san, I am actually surprised that mktexlsr call fixed it,
>>> since luatex doesn't use ls-R files.
>>> Do you have a way to reproduce this behaviour?
>> You are right. The way to reproduce this issue (not related to
>> mktexlsr)
>> is
>> (1) Install texlive-full and fonts-noto-cjk from experimental.
>> (2) Run lualatex with the below LaTeX source and have error
>> "Package fontspec Error: The font "NotoSerifCJKJPLight" cannot be
>> found."
>> (3) Installation of fonts-noto-cjk-extra fixes the issue even though
>> no font from
>>     fonts-noto-cjk-extra is used. XeLaTeX (with
>>     \usepackage[noto]{zxjafont}) and
>>     uplatex (with \usepackage[unicode,noto-otc]{pxchfon}) produce the
>>     desired
>>     PDF without fonts-noto-cjk-extra.
>> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{ltjsarticle}
>> \usepackage[noto-otf]{luatexja-preset}
>> \begin{document}
>> 日本語
>> \end{document}
>> This seems a feature or a bug in TeXLive 2019 upstream, which should
>> not have
>> been filed in BTS. So I close this issue.
> --
> #206401 http://counter.li.org

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