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Bug#900777: fontmake: fails to rebuild fonts-firacode from its glyphs source


Replying inline:

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 10:00:46AM -0500, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> I think I've done all of these today (or earlier) except for:
> ufo2ft 2.5: the build requires skia-pathops. Did you want to work on
> packaging that too?

This is not an requirement as far as the source code suggests.  It seems
skia-pathops is optional, where booleanoperations is used by default for
path operations.

Also, skia has been in RFP for a while (#818180).  I think we can
package this but it is not a blocking issue for this package.

> fontmake 1.6.1 has been in Debian since September. Maybe you're
> thinking of fontmake 1.8 which isn't in Salsa yet.

Ouch.  I will update this soon.

Yao Wei

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