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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] comic-neue_2.3-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 09:48:56AM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> >    * Don't force a fontconfig substitution of Comic Sans MS; let's allow
> >      using the original if both are installed (Closes: 882665).
> thanks for fixing this in such a timely manner! Could you please push your
> changes to the GIT repo?

Obviously; pushed.

I didn't do so because pushing first means the repository doesn't reflect
actual in-archive history if there's a REJECT (such as because of being in
NEW or another error).

Case in point:
commit 63233d6bc37f14cd59b753cf3b8411d3e869533f (tag: debian/2.3-1)
while the real 2.3-1 was:
commit 3968dc97257f44d560a65a7c4612a8a707765926

But now I realized that both approaches are wrong: it seems that it's best
to push actual commits immediately, and tags only after we're sure they'll

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