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[Pkg-fonts-devel] Again: location of WOFF[2] files (Was: Update for fonts-sil-annapurna)

Dear fonts team,

> 3) Install WOFF files in a reasonable directory where fontconfig will
> not register them and provide symlinks to directories where they are
> needed.

I think we should decide on a policy about this in the short term!

I was about to upgrade the src:fonts-hack package and fix a bug which
requested to add the WOFF2 flavor to the fonts-hack-web package. I am
currently stuck here, because all the other web format font files are
installed into subdirectories of /usr/share/fonts, which we now consider
wrong, but we don't have a definite answer for "the right" location yet
and are hence missing a migration plan.

I don't know if this concern might become moot once fontconfig upstream
has decided on how to proceed with font files on WOFF[2] formats, but
given the opposition in the upstream bug report, this is probably nothing
that we should hold our breat for.

My proposal is:
- Install font files in web font formats into
/usr/share/<package>/<format> instead of
- Move files in existing packages from the latter location to the former
in the next package revision.
- Provide symlinks for e.g. package documentation to the new location.

Any more ideas?


 - Fabian

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