Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Updating fonts-noto and merging fonts-croscore
Fabian Greffrath <> writes:
> Am Montag, den 16.11.2015, 15:39 +0530 schrieb Vasudev Kamath:
>> Thanks for the clarification. I will take over all required files
>> from
>> fonts-croscore/debian into fonts-noto. Would you like to be marked as
>> Uploader for new fonts-noto?.
> No, thank you.
> Please note that none of the fontconfig files currently shipped in
> fonts-croscore are necessary anymore to register the fonts as metric-
> compatible alternatives to Arial, Times and Courier.The last remaining
So none of the files listed need to be in fonts-noto?. ¹
> fontconfig snippet was for the Symbol font which doesn't seem to be
> part of the family anymore. Please make sure to include symlinks to the
> old file locations should the new ones differ.
Umm. Sorry bit confused here, you said none of the conf files are needed
then which symlinks to old should be retained?.
> Also, please make sure that the version string of the new fonts-
> croscore package built from src:fonts-noto sorts higher than the
> previous one (haven't checked, but should be alright).
As per dpkg --compare-versions it looks fine to me
vasudev@bheeshma:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 2015-09-29-license-adobe-1 gt 1.23.0-1
vasudev@bheeshma:~$ echo $?
But again not sure if I used --compare-versions correctly or not ;-).
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