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[Pkg-fonts-devel] [RFS] fonts-georgewilliams

Hi all again :),

I've finished working on the fonts-georgewilliams package. The main
changed are:

- using git as vcs
- changed name according with the team policy
- added a dummy package for the old ttf-georgewilliams
- bumped Standard Version to 3.9.5 (checked), and bumped debhelper
- added a machine-readable copyright file
- prepared a new release using most recent upstream version, and
building the ttf from sfd

This release also closes a couple of bugs.

I honestly think that now the package is ready: Lintian complains only
about the versioning (which doesn't reflect an NMU) and about the same
files being provided also by the dummy package (ttf-georgewilliams).
I was able to build and install it locally, and  I think it's fine as
it can be :).

As a note: upstream doesn't use versioning of any kind, but as the first
upstream version was named 1.0 for the Debian packaging, I named this
one 2.0. Let me know if that's ok.

The package is on the branch master of:

Thanks in advance,
"Nessuna conquista è per sempre. C'è sempre qualcuno che è
interessato a toglierla. Per cui resistere non è solo un 
dovere, ma una necessità dei giovani, altrimenti non si 
va avanti!"
Maria Cervi

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