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[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#750884: Bug#750884: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-android package

Am Dienstag, den 17.06.2014, 21:56 +0200 schrieb Gunnar Hjalmarsson: 
> fonts-droid including this recipe is shipped to everyone using Ubuntu
> 14.04, which was released in April. If it was as bad as you imply, we
> would have been buried in bug reports by now, but we aren't.

As you already stated, you can limit the effect of this rule by
providing additional language-specific rules in other packages. But as
it stands now, the rule registers Droid Sans Fallback as the prefered
font for both sans-serif and monospace - without any qualification.

> You may want to study the background in the related Ubuntu bug:
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/1227034

I'll read through it, thanks.

- Fabian

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