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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] check for MMCedar package

Hi Hideki, 

First, I'm very sorry for my late response.

At Sat, 21 Jan 2012 10:32:48 +0900,
Hideki Yamane <henrich@debian.or.jp> wrote:
> > Description: MMCedar is a combined font that uses Motoya L Cedar and M+ fonts.
> >  This package provides combined font that uses Motoya L Cedar and M+
> >  fonts, named MMCedar, MMCedar-P. The Motoya L Cedar fonts are lacking
> >  some characters, so these characters are compensated by M+ fonts. And
> >  line spacing of those fonts was adjusted for programming.
>  Hm, there is no Japanese term in that, but both upstream fonts are mainly
>  aimed to use with Japanese (for glyph coverage), right? or MMCedar is
>  not limited to such usage?

Yes. MMCedar is not limited to Japanese. Both MMCedar and MMcedar-P
provides other glyphs originaly M+ fonts.

> >  This package also provides fontforge scripts (.pe) for creating these
> >  fonts.
>  It is not necessary for description, put it to README.Debian is enough.

Ok. I remove this paragraph.

>  debian/copyright
> > Files: *
> > Copyright: 2011 UTSUMI Hirosi <utuhiro78@yahoo.co.jp>
> > License: Apache-2.0 and M+FONTS
>  It seems to be wrong. This font is based on Motoya L Cedar, it has its
>  copyright holder. see fonts-motoya-l-cedar.

I update debian/copyright. Please check it.

> > Files: debian/*
> > Copyright: 2011 Youhei SASAKI <uwabami@gfd-dennou.org>
> > License: Apache-2.0
>  I think it would be MIT or BSD-3 is better for future usage because
>  we cannot mix other GPL code.

Ok. Change Expat.

>  debian/install
> >> *.ttf usr/share/fonts/truetype/fonts-mmcedar/
>  u/s/f/t/mmcedar , remove fonts- prefix

Ok. fix it.

Please check svn HEAD. I would appreciate if you would sponsor upload

Best Wishes,
Youhei SASAKI <uwabami@gfd-dennou.org>
Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University
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