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[Pkg-fonts-devel] UW ttyp0 - a multiscript monospaced bitmap font family

Dear Debian Fonts Task Force,

I have released a new series of monospaced bitmap fonts. They cover
most of the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet, Greek, Armenian, Georgian (only
Mkhedruli), Hebrew (without cantillation marks), Thai, most of IPA (but
no UPA), standard punctuation, common symbols, some mathematics, line
graphics and a few dingbats (about 3000 Unicode characters).
There are nine sizes from 11px to 22px in regular and bold; in some
sizes there is also an italic version.

The license is an MIT license with name change clause similar to the
Bitstream Vera License (a bit more permissive, actually).

The source code (including documentation) and some font samples can
be found at http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~uwe/misc/uw-ttyp0/. If you are
interested in including UW ttyp0 in Debian, drop me a note.


Uwe Waldmann

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