Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-cantarell?
On 25/07/11 13:24, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Nicolas Spalinger (
>> Quick comments (more later):
> ../..
> I agree with all of your suggestions. What to pick from upstream is
> indeed fairly confusing and I probably messed up in some way.
OK, with some more upstream interaction we should be able to get things
moving forward. Almost there I think...
No worries, I'm a learner and you're a mentor here :-)
> I moved my focus from this package to many other stuff here at
> DebConf, so I think I won't be able to do more on it. So, of course,
> please take things over and correct/complete whet we have in SVN.
IMHO your time spent (among other things I'm sure) with the C&W at the
Debconf is much more useful :-)
I'll build on the current packaging we have.
Nicolas Spalinger,
SIL NRSI volunteer -
Debian fonts task force -
Open font community -
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