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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#605871: fontforge runs find / during the configure step

On 04/12/10 09:30, Matthias Klose wrote:
> Package: fontforge
> Version: 0.0.20100501-3
>   checking trying to find the freetype source directory -- be patient...
> runs ...
>   find / -name ttobjs.h -print
> for several hours, including network shares. Is this serious?

AFAICT the --with-freetype-src parameter makes the configure script find
what it needs in the relevant system include folder instead of running
this big search...

Nicolas Spalinger,
SIL NRSI volunteer - http://scripts.sil.org
Debian font task force -  http://pkg-fonts.alioth.debian.org
Open font community - http://planet.open-fonts.org

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