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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Looking into optimising the Nanum Korean font for webfont usage?

2010-06-18 (금), 00:32 +0200, Nicolas Spalinger:
> Dear Changwoo Ryu,
> (I wasn't sure if you were subscribed to the pkg-fonts-devel list so I'm
> cc-ing, hope that's OK).

I'm subscribed already.

> As a maintainer of various Korean fonts and with your recent packaging
> of the Nanum fonts from Naver, I'm wondering if you would be interested
> and would have time to help with testing and optimizing them for
> webfonts usage?
> Raph Levien from the Google Font Directory project is looking at
> expanding the current offerings to include richer non-roman fonts and
> would like some feedback on Nanum:
> http://hotlead.levien.com/2010/06/nanum-korean-fonts-now-released-under.html
> I guess you would be an ideal person... or maybe you can recommend
> someone from the Korean-speaking larger Debian community?

Yes, I'm OK if it's just testing whether things work or not.

But actually I doubt feasibility of reducing its size. Each nanum font
is 3-4MB and it's already quite compact as a generic Hangul TrueType.
And typical CJK TrueType fonts with Unified Han characters are >10MB. 

How about contacting the upstream? NHN/Naver is quite active on Nanum

Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org>

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